Tomorrow is our four month anniversary. Yes four months that the two of us have been going out and we have seen each other a total of 3 times (I had to get creative to get Kasi to come see me in Florida a second time). For those who do not know how we met then let me tell you this interesting story.
First it started well over a year ago when my friend Scott announced he was leaving Garmin. Since Scott got a better job and a plane his wife Kristy wanted a new house. So in the span of one day looking at houses, they bought one south of Olathe. The following weekend there I was helping move stuff out of the old house and into the new one, when across the street you here this guy yelling Scott's name. I thought Scott already had met his neighbors, but how could he, this was the first day he was there. Well come to find out this guy across the street was actually Kris who Scott went to school with in the middle of nowhere Missouri. Don't ask me how this happened but it did.
After moving in Scott, Kris, their wives Kristy and Amber, Ben, and I all started talking and hanging out. From the beginning Kris' wife Amber said I should meet one of her friends who was just here and I missed her. Amber started saying the two of us would be perfect for one another. Now in the beginning we all think the same thing, this will probably go nowhere and I should not get bothered by this. So for nine months Amber kept hounding me about her friend. Everytime we saw each other she mentioned her friend. The problem was her friend lived in Chicago and no where near KC. So there was no way I was going to be able to meet her.
That winter I decided I needed a change of pace and Garmin was not my future. I figured I should follow a life dream of becoming a helicopter pilot and decided Florida was the place to be. With my class start date of July 7th my days in KC were numbered. After hearing about my decision, Amber really went into over drive. So finally in the first part of June I got this mysterious woman's email address. It was a late night so I figured I would wait until tomorrow to send her an email, however I got home and here is an email which matches the one I got earlier in the night. So this girl wants to play ball, I think. So I read through this email that was signed Kasi. I knew from the email things would be great and I have not been disappointed since.