Kevin and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary on Friday and we can hardly believe how quickly that year flew by! To celebrate, I drove down to KC for the weekend to spend it with Kevin and his family.
We had a great weekend planned of dinners and visiting with friends and family, including a fun morning at a Photo Safari. This was a group of photographers going about KC capturing creative shots to submit at the end of the Safari for voting. Little did I know, this Safari would literally change my life! :)
Kevin, his sister Janelle and I started out on our Safari going to several locations around downtown KC. Our last stop was to Antioch Park. As we had been doing, we got out and all went our separate ways to capture the park on film. After short time, I caught back up with Kevin who was out on a rock path across the pond and Janelle was over on a bridge. Kevin called me over requesting I photograph something in the water. When I looked, I saw nothing and turned to ask him what. Upon turning back, Kevin had dropped to one knee and was holding a box with the most amazing ring gleaming back at me. TOTAL SHOCK! I couldn't believe it and just like a girl, tears began rolling down my face. (I couldn't help it!) :)
Kevin asked me to be his wife and after several minutes of me crying from joy and just plain being speechless and in shock, I finally answered with a YES!
The whole event was captured on camera by Janelle, which is so perfect! I've always been the one photographing or helping set up, engagements, and now, it was my turn.
Looking back over the past year and just before meeting Kevin, it's completely amazing to see how my life and our lives together have changed. God is so amazing!
Looking ahead, we have a new chapter to begin. Lots of time will be spent on wedding planning (can't wait to register!!!!) and building a future together. Oh, and one tiny little detail, working on getting back to KC. Everything will work out in the right timing, but it sure would be great to do all this preparing and planning together in the same state.
You have completely changed my life and I'm so thankful for the day you came into my world. Every talk we have, every moment we share together, I fall deeper and deeper in love with you. I can't wait to spend my life with you.
I love you. xoxox to infinity and beyond!
So sweet! I am so excited for you guys. Kasi, I can't wait till your back in KC and we can get together. Miss you girl!
Kasi, I have tears in my eyes. What a precious post. You are truly blessed. :-)
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